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Friday, May 05, 2006

Web Hosting from home

Well, we are done with resolving your dominname to your everchanging IP address.
(php will not cover here)

What you need:
- PC

- An always-on broadband internet connection
- Apache server

Step 1. Install Apache HTTP server.
First and foremost, disable and stop any other firewall or server software you may have running, including Windows Firewall, Skype, Trillian or any other instant messaging applications. This is extremely important, and if it’s not done, can cause the server installation and startup to fail miserably. These programs and services can be started and used again as usual once we’re done setting up the web server.
Download under “best available version” next to “Win32 Binary (MSI Installer).” Start the installation wizard. Accept the license agreement and use the default location for the Apache files, in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2. When you reach the screen prompting for server information, enter your own email address and as the domain information.
Complete the installation wizard using the “Typical installation” setting.
When it’s done, open your web browser and go to http://localhost/. If the page you see reads, “If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful,” you’re golden.

Step 2. Configure Apache to share documents from the right folder.
Say you want to make your music collection downloadable using your new web server, and all your music files are located in C:\JohnS. Using a plain text editor like Notepad, open the C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf file. This is Apache’s configuration file, which looks long and scary, but most of the defaults will work just fine for us. We just have to change a few things.
In this httpd.conf file, comment out the line that starts with DocumentRoot and add another with your directory, like this:
#DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs"
DocumentRoot "C:/JohnS"
Then, comment out the line that starts with


Last, about 20 lines below that

AllowOverride None
Change it to:
AllowOverride All
When you’re done, save httpd.conf. Then, click on the Apache icon in your taskbar and choose “Restart.” If Apache restarts successfully, you edited your the file correctly. Visit http://localhost/ in your web browser. This time you should see a listing of your documents.

Step 3. You’ve got a home webserver up n running!.
If you are NOT behind a firewall, you can access your web server from other computers by typing your computer’s IP address into a web browser’s address bar. If you’re not sure what your IP is, visit
What Is My IP to find out. If your IP is 12.34.567.890, then type http://201.4.567.890 into a browser’s address bar. If you are behind a firewall (like a wireless router), you’ll need to open up port 80 on the firewall and forward it to your computer.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Setting up a dyndns Account

Before we move on to setting up a web/ftp server, we need to resolve your domain name (eg. to your static IP (eg. your server IP).

What you need:

- PC
- An always-on broadband internet connection
- dyndns update client

Here’s how:

Step 1. Set up your account.
Register an free account with
DynDNS. Log into your new account. Go to the “My Services” area on the left side. Under “Host Level Services” click “Add Host Services.” There, click “Add Static DNS Host.” DynDNS will autofill your IP address (if you’re doing this from your home computer). Choose a domain and type in a custom subdomain, which can be anything from or or, like below:

Step 2. Set up your computer to update DynDNS.
Now that your computer is registered with DynDNS, each time your computer’s IP address changes, it has to let DynDNS know. This can be done either with free updater client software or through your router.
If your computer is connected directly to the Internet, download the
DynDNS updater client.
Install and enter your DynDNS information so that your computer can update DynDNS’s database regularly.

Step 3. Done!
Type your new domain name by entering it in your web browser’s address bar. It should resolve to your home server. From here you can publicize or bookmark your server’s new domain name no matter how often your IP address changes.